Close your eyes and imagine a big bouquet of roses right under your nose. Our rose candle brings the flower shop right into your home! With notes of sweet rose, lily, fern, and marigold.
You can't go wrong with this classic.
- Package Contains: Six 1" Cubes
- Wax Weight: approx. 1/2 oz. per Cube
- Scent Lasts: approx. 10-12 hours per Cube
Soy Wax Melts are the fastest, easiest, and safest way to fill any room in your home with your favorite fragrances.
TO USE: Break off 1 or 2 cubes and add to the top of an electric or tealight tart burner to melt. Wax can be remelted until it is no longer fragrant. Try melting two different scents together to create your own unique fragrance!
All of our melts are made using natural soy wax, phthalate free fragrance oils and no dyes.